within Dark New Age | Spazio Gamma | Milan |  May 2019 

The project starts from the 10 commandments, the laws written on the two tablets that, according to the Bible, were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. These phrases are typed in English on ‘Google Search’. The resulting material is downloaded from the Internet, digitally manipulated, printed on transparent films and sub - sequently mounted on aluminum to form an immersive installation. Google’s Decalogue investigates the relationship between the original univoque elements, the tables of the God’s laws, and the Multiple, the results of the rese - arches. Starting from a single sentence one inevitably moves away towards a multitude of different directions. The Google search tool offers us a sequence of heterogeneous, various, inconsistent, sometimes inappropriate results that add so much information to the initial sentence that it becomes incom - prehensible, fluctuating, ethereal, meaningless.


COVER-UP | Macro | Rome


Reception | The Others Art Fair - Specific | Turin